Shrooms Online – How Will Legalizing Psilocybin Affect the Mushroom Market?

Shrooms Online

Shrooms Online

Amid a Shrooms Online in research into psilocybin, the psychedelic found in mushrooms, its use is expanding among users of all kinds — from people who are seeking treatment for mental health problems to others who are trying a small dose as part of a self-improvement ritual called microdosing. But despite increased acceptance and legalization, there are still concerns that a mushroom marketplace with unregulated products could lead to dangerous and even life-threatening experiences.

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In Colorado, where voters approved psilocybin in 2022 to treat a range of mental health conditions, Ryan is among many people offering psychedelic mushrooms and a trip-guiding service to the public through social media, websites and email. The service is akin to what regulated healing centers will offer once state law allowing for them gets in place.

The legalization of psilocybin in Colorado removes the criminal penalties associated with possession, cultivation and sale. But it’s too early to say how that will change the mushroom market, which is already highly decentralized and difficult to regulate.

Taking mushrooms can change how a person sees, hears and thinks, and can cause “flashbacks” that might trigger anxiety or depression. The drugs are best used with a trusted group of friends, in a safe environment and not combined with alcohol or any other drugs. People taking psychiatric medications should talk to their doctors before trying psilocybin, because it can interact with certain medicines and increase the risk of having an adverse reaction.

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